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Gregath Publishing e-zine 
Volume 3, Number 9
September, 2004
Helping writers, genealogists and computer users of all kinds

Please note that while an effort to generalize much of this text has been made, some references to "we, our, etc." still occur and much of the information provided applies to The Gregath Publishing Company and may not with other printer/publishers.  ALWAYS double check with your printer/publisher on every detail.


Table of Contents
You may click on each department below to go directly to that article.  At the end of each article (if supported) is a link back to this contents.

What's It Mean?
Design Inspiration
Book Manufacturing Concepts
Marketing Advice
Genealogy Ideas
Computer Help

What’s It Mean?

End Sheet(s): The element of a hardbound book that consists of the "inside" of the covers and the first and last sheet of paper in the book.  The end sheets are adhered to the inside of the binding boards and attach to the book via a double hinge that includes a sheet of paper.  Ours are never lighter weight than 80# and are .

For other writing, printing, publishing, marketing lingo, check our glossaries at http://www.gregathcompany.com/gloss.html and

Run across a word that you don't understand?  Try us - email us your word, term or phrase and we will see if we can shed some light on the matter!

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Design Inspiration - Top Design Ideas that COST, and some options that don't.

In today's economy, there are lots of suggestions devoted to producing a quality book with as little cost involved to the author as possible - this issue is no exception.  However, many family projects are the culmination of a lifetime of work, many times where the author has been setting aside funds for publication for years.  Additionally, as a labor of love, some families can't put a price on such a keepsake.  This month we'd like to offer a few suggestions if "money is no object" - and ways to make the book look that way.

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Book Manufacturing Concepts - More about end sheets

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Marketing advice

When marketing a book, try to keep all of your author produced material to a general theme concerning format.  This might include choosing a paper/card stock color, keeping the major amount of your fonts the same (many even make sure it matches the book).  You may even choose a "theme" (ready made design - often involving graphics)  from a publishing program and carry it throughout.  Like any large retailer, this "small stuff" will help build what is called Name Brand Recognition.  When they see the envelope in the mail, they know without even looking it's from you.  If they see a flyer they know it's about the book without reading it.  Many "repeat authors" even carry the design over to other projects.  Some keep the exact same design format, others change one or two elements such as color or headline font.

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Genealogy ideas

Many people when researching forget to use reference materials in concert.  While this sounds strange, sometimes it doesn't even cross their minds.  Example: Found the ancestor in the census but that year doesn't have everything you want (or you prefer more than one documented source) - look in other state, county, and local records as well as local newspapers.  Could they have belonged to a local church or (fraternal) organization?  Don't leave these out of the search!

Computer aid?!?  - print screen

Lots of computer conversations contain something like "You know when it does/looks like this/that?" Many times the answer is a no because there wasn't enough (or sometimes too much) description involved.  Use the print screen to show people what you mean - it is a several step process:

Have a question or tip?  E-mail us.  We may be stumped, but either way you'll get a personal reply.

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About this e-zine

The Gregath Publishing Company is pleased to present information that may be of help to authors and genealogists on a monthly basis in this format.

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